More Than Gourmet Sauces Realize Lean Efficiencies
More Than Gourmet (MTG) is a Gourmet Sauce manufacturer with nearly $20 Million in annual sales. Located in Akron, Ohio the company faced many lean challenges from excessive paperwork and manual processing to lack of visibility to inventory and customer data; there was no integration between manufacturing and warehousing operations. Read More...
To overcome the lean challenges the sauce manufacturer implemented Enterprise 21 ERP (enterprise resource planning) by Technology Group International (TGI). When MTG purchased the ERP system, the company was booking $2 million in annual sales. Since that time the company has transformed into the premier provider of gourmet sauces and is recognized worldwide for it’s outstanding culinary achievements. The company not only quickly obtained their return on investment, the implementation of Enterprise 21 allowed the company to experience exponential growth over a short period of time without a corresponding growth in manpower to service that growth.